So sadly this is my last post for the class, but I hope to continue to write and blog about my views of the family system and unit. After our discussions this last week and Monday I think that after parents become empty nesters, they experience more satisfaction in life. We started of talking about divorce, and the trends associated with people divorcing. Some of those are: custody, cohabiting couples, women are often the ones seeking the divorce, finances, "falling out" of love, communication and perception, and lastly decision making. People don't realize that divorce isn't something that just happens and that people just move on. There are six stations of divorce:
1) emotional 2) legal 3) economic/money 4) co-parental/custody 5) community/division of friends and family and 6) psychic/the mental process of divorce.
Oe outstanding statistic that I was totally surprised at was that 70% of the people that divorce, believe that could have and should have saved their marriage 2 years after the divorce. Don't "Fall in love" but choose to love and give your heart and self to your partner, because it creates a deep passion. Just remember that you need to go through the lulls and hard times so you can reach the height in the end and enjoy the climax more. One last thing on a more positive note, about your marriage after your children leave home, the love story never ends.
I hope you've enjoyed my blog and opinions, the family is the most important system in our community and it's the one system that is being challenged and torn apart in our society. We must protect it in every way we can. The family is the foundation of our society so don't let it crack and crumble underneath you.
Good post! I loved that you emphasized the importance of choosing love. Elder M. Russell Ballard has said, "Indeed, nothing is more critically connected to happiness—both our own and that of our children—than how well we love and support one another within the family." How can you encourage happiness in your current and future family? Have a Merry Christmas and I hope you reflect on the importance of family this holiday season!