Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our discussions this week have been very influential. We talked about not just the sacredness but the importance of sexual intimacy when married. One of thing I want to stress is that pre-marital sex can have a devastating effect on a marriage. Many people who have had pre-marital sex later on have said they regret it and wish they hadn't. Sexual intimacy isn't just about creating a family and it isn't just an activity to participate in. It gives a couple an opportunity to learn to work together, learn consideration for each other, and to feel loved and supported by their spouse. Infidelity is a huge problem in the world around us. Infidelity isn't just when you have a sexual relation with someone other than your spouse, it's also when you have thoughts and feelings for others, it occurs if you view pornography, when you are dishonest, when you create unrealistic expectations for your spouse, and when you put other things before your marriage and spouse. High fidelity creates a sense of truth, loyalty, purity, and it doesn't leave you feeling vulnerable and desperate for perfection. And when you feel vulnerable and desperate for perfection is when you are most likely to be unfaithful. Marriage is more important than money, items, or your hobbies. And being faithful helps you to protect your marriage and spouse, and not just yourself.


  1. Great post! You mentioned that many report feeling regret if they have had multiple sexual partners before marriage, what are some potential reasons for this? Elder Holland has said, "I stress that human intimacy is reserved for a married couple because it is the ultimate symbol of total union, a totality and a union ordained and defined by God." Sexual intimacy within the marriage covenant brings greater appreciation and love and aids in unifying couples. You mentioned that infidelity is a growing problem, why do you believe so many excuse unfaithful behavior? How can we best "affair proof our marriages?
